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Categories > Metal or alloy > Bi-Sn > Bi 70, Sn 30 (wt%) > Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in secondary electron imaging (SEI) mode > Keyword: tin

3 micrographs available, ordered by micrograph number.

Link to full record for micrograph 762 Micrograph 762 : Bi 70, Sn 30 (wt%)
System: Bi-Sn, Composition: Bi 70, Sn 30 (wt%)
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in secondary electron imaging (SEI) mode
300 μm
Link to full record for micrograph 763 Micrograph 763 : Bi 70, Sn 30 (wt%)
System: Bi-Sn, Composition: Bi 70, Sn 30 (wt%)
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in secondary electron imaging (SEI) mode
100 μm
Link to full record for micrograph 764 Micrograph 764 : Bi 70, Sn 30 (wt%)
System: Bi-Sn, Composition: Bi 70, Sn 30 (wt%)
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in secondary electron imaging (SEI) mode
10 μm

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