Dissemination of IT for the Promotion of Materials Science (DoITPoMS)

Terms of use

There are two Terms of use which apply to the content in this library. Each entry in the library indicates which of these applies to the media for that given entry. United Kingdom and international copyright laws protect all contents of the DoITPoMS Standalone simulations..

Creative commons CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 DEED licence  Creative Commons Licence

The written material and the majority of the media are licensed for re-use under the Creative Commons licence "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International". Please read this licence agreement carefully before using this service and ensure that for any reuse or distribution that you make clear to others the licence terms of the re-use. By using this service you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the CC-BY-NC-SA licence.

A small number of media items still fall under the original DoITPoMS terms of use as set out below.

DOITPoMS logo  DoITPoMS standard terms of use

The DoITPoMS Teaching and Learning Packages (including Standalone simulations) are a collection of teaching and learning resources provided for non-profit making purposes within educational institutions subject to agreement with the terms and conditions below. Please read this agreement carefully before using the service. By using the service you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions below.

  1. Except where the copyright in an image or other resource is indicated as belonging to a third party, copies of images and other material may be downloaded and used for non-profit making activities within educational institutions. Full acknowledgement must be given (see 2).

    Acceptable use allows incorporation of text, images and other material in:

    • lectures and presentations
    • computer aided learning materials, online tutorials, tests, homework, etc
    • educational web pages
    • other legitimate educational material

  2. Except where the copyright in an image or other resource is indicated as belonging to third party, the copyright in the text, images and other material of the DoITPoMS Teaching and Learning Packages and Standalone simulations resides with the University of Cambridge. The copyright in the DoITPoMS Library of Teaching and Learning Packages and Standalone simulations resides with the University of Cambridge. DoITPoMS and the University of Cambridge must be acknowledged in any text, images or other material. Such acknowledgement must be visible within any teaching material produced and accompanying literature if applicable e.g. © DoITPoMS, University of Cambridge and include the webpage URL where appropriate.

  3. Copies of the images cannot be sold or made available under loan. Commercial reproduction is prohibited and multiple distribution of any kind is prohibited except for educational use.

  4. If you or your institution wish to develop teaching material to sell that includes images from the archive, you must contact DoITPoMS.

Downloading material from this site is subject to the terms of use. By using this site, you signify your assent to these terms. Help is available regarding how to download the various types of media available on this site.


DoITPoMS Teaching and Learning Packages Including Standalone simulations are an educational resource aimed at teachers, lecturers and students. Although they are openly accessible to all, users should bear in mind that the resources are primarily meant for teaching and learning purposes and should not be regarded as a primary source of scientific or safety-critical information. The Teaching and Learning Packages should not be used as a substitute for standard recognised sources of scientific data and safety-critical information.

The text, images, and other materials in DoITPoMS Teaching and Learning Packages and Standalone simulations have been derived from subject specialists in materials science and every effort has been made to ensure the quality of the resources. However, neither DoITPoMS nor the University of Cambridge can be held responsible, to the extent permitted by law, for any error, omission or inaccuracy in the information provided, nor for any damage, loss or expense resulting from the use of these resources.

DoITPoMS has made every effort to ensure that all text, images and other material has been sourced with the permission of the owners, with whom the copyright remains. If you discover any text, images or other materials that you own in the Teaching and Learning Packages without your permission, please contact DoITPoMS and we will remove it immediately upon receipt of proof of ownership.

DoITPoMS Teaching and Learning Packages and Standalone simulations have links to external websites. DoITPoMS has no control over these external pages and cannot be held responsible for their availability or content.